Blog: How early should you send invitations?

Once the budget, venue and invite list have been selected the next task is sending out the invitations. Everyone wants a well attended event but it’s catching people at the right time to get those rsvp’s.

We have our own tried and tested timetable which we use for most events. The first invites get sent about 6 weeks before the event, a reminder is sent a month before, if the attendee list is still running short then the 2nd tranche of invites get sent out 4 weeks before and the final reminders are sent at 1 week and 1 day before the event.

These dates are not set in stone however and there are factors which require a shift in the timings. The first is when the dates fall, a lot of people take annual leave in July and August and may miss your invitation. December is also very busy with email traffic and you don’t want your carefully designed invitation to be lost amongst the ‘black Friday deals’ or various Christmas celebration invites.

The other factor is when there are physical invitations, we have to increase the lead times to allow for printing and postage (these are usually only used for large celebratory events).

For advice on this or any other event-related queries get in touch at

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